/** * v1.0.4 - 05-04-2021 20:10 * * JQuery UI Dialog Extended * * Copyright 2013-2015, Felix Nagel (http://www.felixnagel.com) * Copyright 2021, Team Updraft * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * http://github.com/fnagel/jquery-ui-extensions * * Depends: * jquery.ui.core.js * jquery.ui.widget.js * jquery.ui.dialog.js * * Changes: * Add "updraft-dialog" class for every jQuery UI dialog created by UpdraftPlus plugin. * Wrap all "updraft-dialog" class with "updraft-container" class * to prevent CSS conflict with other plugins that use jQuery UI too. */ (function( $ ) { /* * Option width and height normally set the overall dialog dimensions. * This extensions make these options the dimensions of the content pane if * option useContentSize is enabled. This way it's possible to set the real * content dimensions. * * Please note you won't get the original size but the calculated overall size * when using the width and height option getter. */ $.widget("ui.dialog", $.ui.dialog, { options: { height: 200, // auto is not allowed when using animation closeModalOnClick: true, dialogClass: 'updraft-dialog', // viewport settings forceFullscreen: false, resizeOnWindowResize: false, scrollWithViewport: false, resizeAccordingToViewport: true, resizeToBestPossibleSize: false, // width and height set the content size, not overall size useContentSize: false, // animated options useAnimation: true, animateOptions: { duration: 500, queue: false }, // callbacks resized: null }, // Changes content and resizes dialog change: function(content, width, height, animate) { if (typeof animate !== "boolean") { animate = this.options.useAnimation; } if (animate) { this.setAriaLive(true); this.element.one(this.widgetEventPrefix + "resized", this, function(event) { event.data.element.html(content); event.data.setAriaLive(false); event.data.focusTabbable(); }); } else { this.element.html(content); } this.changeSize(width, height); }, // Changes size changeSize: function(width, height) { this._setOptions({ width: width, height: height }); }, _setOption: function(key, value) { if (key === "width") { this._oldSize.width = value; } if (key === "height") { this._oldSize.height = value; } // we need to adjust the size as we need to set the overall dialog size if (this.options.useAnimation && this.options.useContentSize && this._isVisible) { if (key === "width") { value = value + ( this.uiDialog.width() - this.element.width() ); } if (key === "height") { value = value + ( this.uiDialog.outerHeight() - this.element.height() ); } } this._super(key, value); }, // calculate actual displayed size, data contains already the overall dimensions _getSize: function(data) { var options = this.options, feedback = $.position.getWithinInfo(options.position.of), portrait = ( feedback.height >= feedback.width ) ? true : false, viewport = { width: feedback.width - ( this.uiDialog.outerWidth() - this.uiDialog.width() ), height: feedback.height }; if (options.forceFullscreen) { return viewport; } if (options.resizeToBestPossibleSize) { if (portrait) { data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.width, "width", "height"); } else { data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.height, "height", "width"); } } if (options.resizeAccordingToViewport || options.resizeToBestPossibleSize) { if (viewport.width < data.width) { data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.width, "width", "height"); } if (viewport.height < data.height) { data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.height, "height", "width"); } } return data; }, _calcSize: function( data, value, sortBy, toSort ) { var newData = {}; newData[toSort] = Math.max(0, (data[ toSort ] / data[ sortBy ]) * value); newData[sortBy] = value; return newData; }, _size: function() { // overwrite options with recalculated dimensions $.extend(this.options, this._getSize(this.options)); if (this._isVisible && this.options.useAnimation) { this._animateSize(); return; } if (this.options.useContentSize) { this._contentSize(); return; } this._super(); }, /* * Sets the size of the dialog * * Options width and height define content size, not overall size */ _contentSize: function() { // If the user has resized the dialog, the .ui-dialog and .ui-dialog-content // divs will both have width and height set, so we need to reset them var nonContentHeight, nonContentWidth, actualSize, options = this.options; // Reset content sizing nonContentWidth = this.element.show().css({ width: options.width, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: "none", height: 0 }).outerWidth() - options.width; this.element.css("width", "auto"); if (options.minWidth > options.width + nonContentWidth) { options.width = options.minWidth; } // reset wrapper sizing // determine the height of all the non-content elements nonContentHeight = this.uiDialog.css({ height: "auto", width: options.width + nonContentWidth }) .outerHeight(); actualSize = this._getSize({ width: options.width + nonContentWidth, height: options.height + nonContentHeight }); this.uiDialog.css("width", actualSize.width); this.element.height(Math.max(0, actualSize.height - nonContentHeight)); if (this.uiDialog.is(":data(ui-resizable)") ) { this.uiDialog.resizable("option", "minHeight", this._minHeight()); } // save calculated overall size $.extend(options, actualSize); }, // Processes the animated positioning (position using callback), works with any width and height options _animateUsing: function( position, data ) { var that = this; // calculate new position based on the viewport position.left = ( data.target.left + ( data.target.width - this.options.width - ( this.uiDialog.outerWidth() - this.uiDialog.width() ) ) / 2 ); position.top = ( data.target.top + ( data.target.height - this.options.height ) / 2 ); if (position.top < 0) { position.top = 0; } this.uiDialog.animate(position, $.extend({}, this.options.animateOptions, { complete: function() { that._trigger("resized"); } })); }, // animated the size, uses width and height options like default dialog widget (overall size) _animateSize: function() { var options = this.options; this.uiDialog.animate({ width: options.width }, options.animateOptions); this.element.animate({ // options.height is overall size, we need content size height: options.height - ( this.uiDialog.outerHeight() - this.element.height() ) }, options.animateOptions); }, // position overwrite for animated positioning _position: function() { var that = this; this._positionOptions = this.options.position; // change position.using mechanism if (this.options.useAnimation && this._isVisible) { this.options.position.using = function(position, feedback) { that._animateUsing(position, feedback); }; } this._super(); // reset position.using mechanism this.options.position = this._positionOptions; }, // ARIA helper setAriaLive: function(busy) { this.uiDialog.attr({ "aria-live": "assertive", "aria-relevant": "additions removals text", "aria-busy": busy }); }, // all following functions add a variable to determine if the dialog is visible _create: function() { this._super(); this._isVisible = false; this._oldSize = { width: this.options.width, height: this.options.height }; // make dialog responsive to viewport changes this._on(window, this._windowResizeEvents); // add wrapper to dialog $('.updraft-dialog').not('.updraft-container > .updraft-dialog').wrap('
'); }, _windowResizeEvents: { resize: function(e) { if (this.options.resizeOnWindowResize) { if (window === e.target) { this._addTimeout(function() { this._setOptions(this._oldSize); }); } else { this._addTimeout(function() { this._position(); }); } } }, scroll: function() { // second test prevents initial page load scroll event if (this.options.scrollWithViewport && this.timeout) { this._addTimeout(function() { this._position(); }); } else { this.timeout = true; } } }, _addTimeout: function(callback) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); if (this._isVisible) { this.timeout = this._delay(callback, 250); } }, _makeResizable: function() { this._super(); this.element.on(this.widgetEventPrefix + "resizestop", this, function(event) { event.data.element.css("width", "auto"); event.data.uiDialog.css("height", "auto"); }); }, _makeDraggable: function() { this._super(); this.element.on(this.widgetEventPrefix + "dragstop", this, function(event) { event.data.options.position = event.data._positionOptions; }); }, open: function() { this._super(); this._isVisible = true; }, close: function() { this._super(); this._isVisible = false; }, focusTabbable: function() { this._focusTabbable(); }, _createOverlay: function() { this._super(); if (this.options.modal && this.options.closeModalOnClick) { this._on(this.overlay, { mousedown: function(event) { this.close(event); } }); } } }); }( jQuery )); Business Consultancy Corporate Consultancy Solutions – MKM Hospital
Inventory Management Maintaining Tracking System
November 1, 2017
Product Design & Branding Innovative Brand Design Concepts
November 1, 2017
Product Design & Branding Innovative Brand Design Concepts
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Inventory Management Maintaining Tracking System
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Pellentesque tempus aliquam erat, sit amet on the pharetra tortor vestibulum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Nathan May




December 19, 2017


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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