Mini Perc

A “mini-perc” surgery is a percutaneous nephrolithotomy that is accomplished via sheath too small too trivial to accommodate a standard and typical rigid nephroscope. This is a refined technique having small scopes, better lasers and very much specialised tools. Incision that has been made in the skin is much smaller and thus allows the quick recovery and hence results in a safe procedure.


• This procedure is performed under spinal anesthesia or rarely general anaesthesia, patient will not be allowed to eat or drink for 6 hours before the treatment.
• No blood thinning agents will be allowed prior to the surgery (approximately 7 days prior).
• Regular medications will be allowed with a sip of water.
• Urine sterilisation test will be carried out that is known as mid-stream urine test.
• Other tests: Complete blood count, clotting profile, renal function studies.
• Imaging studies will be carried out: CT-scan, X-rays, etc.
• Operation lasts for approximately 1 to 2 hours.
• During the complete procedure ultrasound or X-ray imaging will be required to guide the entry of a hollow tube into the kidney.
• This will let the kidney drainage system to allow the telescopes, laser fibres and stone grasping instruments to visualise, crush and eliminate the stones present in the kidneys.


• Let the doctor to treat large & complicated stones in a minimally invasive pattern that allows a smaller incision and less stay in the hospital.
• Hospital stay varies between 2-4 days and the recovery time is predominantly shorter than the conventional ones.
• Back to the routine in no time.


• Urine may be bloodstained after the discharge up to one week
• Medical imaging will be performed regularly
• Follow up to assess the stone clearance
• Hospital stay on average be 2-4 days

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