* v1.0.4 - 05-04-2021 20:10
* JQuery UI Dialog Extended
* Copyright 2013-2015, Felix Nagel (http://www.felixnagel.com)
* Copyright 2021, Team Updraft
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://github.com/fnagel/jquery-ui-extensions
* Depends:
* jquery.ui.core.js
* jquery.ui.widget.js
* jquery.ui.dialog.js
* Changes:
* Add "updraft-dialog" class for every jQuery UI dialog created by UpdraftPlus plugin.
* Wrap all "updraft-dialog" class with "updraft-container" class
* to prevent CSS conflict with other plugins that use jQuery UI too.
(function( $ ) {
* Option width and height normally set the overall dialog dimensions.
* This extensions make these options the dimensions of the content pane if
* option useContentSize is enabled. This way it's possible to set the real
* content dimensions.
* Please note you won't get the original size but the calculated overall size
* when using the width and height option getter.
$.widget("ui.dialog", $.ui.dialog, {
options: {
height: 200, // auto is not allowed when using animation
closeModalOnClick: true,
dialogClass: 'updraft-dialog',
// viewport settings
forceFullscreen: false,
resizeOnWindowResize: false,
scrollWithViewport: false,
resizeAccordingToViewport: true,
resizeToBestPossibleSize: false,
// width and height set the content size, not overall size
useContentSize: false,
// animated options
useAnimation: true,
animateOptions: {
duration: 500,
queue: false
// callbacks
resized: null
// Changes content and resizes dialog
change: function(content, width, height, animate) {
if (typeof animate !== "boolean") {
animate = this.options.useAnimation;
if (animate) {
this.element.one(this.widgetEventPrefix + "resized", this, function(event) {
} else {
this.changeSize(width, height);
// Changes size
changeSize: function(width, height) {
width: width,
height: height
_setOption: function(key, value) {
if (key === "width") {
this._oldSize.width = value;
if (key === "height") {
this._oldSize.height = value;
// we need to adjust the size as we need to set the overall dialog size
if (this.options.useAnimation && this.options.useContentSize && this._isVisible) {
if (key === "width") {
value = value + ( this.uiDialog.width() - this.element.width() );
if (key === "height") {
value = value + ( this.uiDialog.outerHeight() - this.element.height() );
this._super(key, value);
// calculate actual displayed size, data contains already the overall dimensions
_getSize: function(data) {
var options = this.options,
feedback = $.position.getWithinInfo(options.position.of),
portrait = ( feedback.height >= feedback.width ) ? true : false,
viewport = {
width: feedback.width - ( this.uiDialog.outerWidth() - this.uiDialog.width() ),
height: feedback.height
if (options.forceFullscreen) {
return viewport;
if (options.resizeToBestPossibleSize) {
if (portrait) {
data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.width, "width", "height");
} else {
data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.height, "height", "width");
if (options.resizeAccordingToViewport || options.resizeToBestPossibleSize) {
if (viewport.width < data.width) {
data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.width, "width", "height");
if (viewport.height < data.height) {
data = this._calcSize(data, viewport.height, "height", "width");
return data;
_calcSize: function( data, value, sortBy, toSort ) {
var newData = {};
newData[toSort] = Math.max(0, (data[ toSort ] / data[ sortBy ]) * value);
newData[sortBy] = value;
return newData;
_size: function() {
// overwrite options with recalculated dimensions
$.extend(this.options, this._getSize(this.options));
if (this._isVisible && this.options.useAnimation) {
if (this.options.useContentSize) {
* Sets the size of the dialog
* Options width and height define content size, not overall size
_contentSize: function() {
// If the user has resized the dialog, the .ui-dialog and .ui-dialog-content
// divs will both have width and height set, so we need to reset them
var nonContentHeight, nonContentWidth, actualSize,
options = this.options;
// Reset content sizing
nonContentWidth = this.element.show().css({
width: options.width,
minHeight: 0,
maxHeight: "none",
height: 0
}).outerWidth() - options.width;
this.element.css("width", "auto");
if (options.minWidth > options.width + nonContentWidth) {
options.width = options.minWidth;
// reset wrapper sizing
// determine the height of all the non-content elements
nonContentHeight = this.uiDialog.css({
height: "auto",
width: options.width + nonContentWidth
actualSize = this._getSize({
width: options.width + nonContentWidth,
height: options.height + nonContentHeight
this.uiDialog.css("width", actualSize.width);
this.element.height(Math.max(0, actualSize.height - nonContentHeight));
if (this.uiDialog.is(":data(ui-resizable)") ) {
this.uiDialog.resizable("option", "minHeight", this._minHeight());
// save calculated overall size
$.extend(options, actualSize);
// Processes the animated positioning (position using callback), works with any width and height options
_animateUsing: function( position, data ) {
var that = this;
// calculate new position based on the viewport
position.left = ( data.target.left + ( data.target.width - this.options.width - ( this.uiDialog.outerWidth() - this.uiDialog.width() ) ) / 2 );
position.top = ( data.target.top + ( data.target.height - this.options.height ) / 2 );
if (position.top < 0) {
position.top = 0;
this.uiDialog.animate(position, $.extend({}, this.options.animateOptions, {
complete: function() {
// animated the size, uses width and height options like default dialog widget (overall size)
_animateSize: function() {
var options = this.options;
width: options.width
}, options.animateOptions);
// options.height is overall size, we need content size
height: options.height - ( this.uiDialog.outerHeight() - this.element.height() )
}, options.animateOptions);
// position overwrite for animated positioning
_position: function() {
var that = this;
this._positionOptions = this.options.position;
// change position.using mechanism
if (this.options.useAnimation && this._isVisible) {
this.options.position.using = function(position, feedback) {
that._animateUsing(position, feedback);
// reset position.using mechanism
this.options.position = this._positionOptions;
// ARIA helper
setAriaLive: function(busy) {
"aria-live": "assertive",
"aria-relevant": "additions removals text",
"aria-busy": busy
// all following functions add a variable to determine if the dialog is visible
_create: function() {
this._isVisible = false;
this._oldSize = {
width: this.options.width,
height: this.options.height
// make dialog responsive to viewport changes
this._on(window, this._windowResizeEvents);
// add wrapper to dialog
$('.updraft-dialog').not('.updraft-container > .updraft-dialog').wrap('
_windowResizeEvents: {
resize: function(e) {
if (this.options.resizeOnWindowResize) {
if (window === e.target) {
this._addTimeout(function() {
} else {
this._addTimeout(function() {
scroll: function() {
// second test prevents initial page load scroll event
if (this.options.scrollWithViewport && this.timeout) {
this._addTimeout(function() {
} else {
this.timeout = true;
_addTimeout: function(callback) {
if (this._isVisible) {
this.timeout = this._delay(callback, 250);
_makeResizable: function() {
this.element.on(this.widgetEventPrefix + "resizestop", this, function(event) {
event.data.element.css("width", "auto");
event.data.uiDialog.css("height", "auto");
_makeDraggable: function() {
this.element.on(this.widgetEventPrefix + "dragstop", this, function(event) {
event.data.options.position = event.data._positionOptions;
open: function() {
this._isVisible = true;
close: function() {
this._isVisible = false;
focusTabbable: function() {
_createOverlay: function() {
if (this.options.modal && this.options.closeModalOnClick) {
this._on(this.overlay, {
mousedown: function(event) {
}( jQuery ));
Laparoscopic Management of all type of Urinary Fistula ( Vesico-vaginal fistula, Uretero-vaginal fistula etc) – MKM Hospital
A bladder fistula is when an opening forms between the bladder and some other organ or the skin. Most often the bladder opens to the bowel (“enterovesical fistula”) or the vagina (“vesicovaginal fistula”).
How Does the Bladder Usually Work?
The bladder is a balloon-shaped organ that stores urine, which is made in the kidneys. It is held in place by pelvic muscles in the lower part of your belly. When it isn’t full, the bladder is relaxed. Nerve signals in your brain let you know that your bladder is getting full. Then you feel the need to pee. The brain tells the bladder muscles to squeeze (or “contract”).
Though rare, a bladder fistula to the skin can result when the bladder outlet is blocked and the bladder is damaged. This can be due to injury or prior surgery. Vesicovaginal fistulas can be seen after a urological or gynecological surgery. They can also be linked to gynecological cancers. Fistulas to the bowel are mostly a result of a disease that causes inflammation, such as Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis. About 2 out of 10 cases of bowel fistula are caused by bowel cancer. Fistulas to both the vagina and the bowel may also form as a result of radiation therapy.
Your health care provider may suspect bladder fistula if you have difficult urinary tract infections. Other signs are urine smelling or looking like stool or if gas comes out through your urethra when you pee.
Bladder fistula is diagnosed with an x-ray study. The type of x-ray used may be a CT scan or a pelvic x-ray. A dye that shows up well in x-rays (called “contrast”) will be put into your bladder, either through a vein or a catheter. Your health care provider may also look into your bladder with a cystoscope, a long, thin telescope with a light at the end. In some cases, x-ray studies with contrast may be done on other organs (like the bowel), as well.
We present the laparoscopic management of genitourinary fistulae, mainly five types of fistulae, vesicovaginal, ureterovaginal, vesicouterine, rectourethral and rectovesical fistula. Bladder fistula is most often treated with surgery to remove the damaged part of the bladder. Healthy tissue is moved between the bladder and the other organ to block the opening. If the fistula is caused by a disease, such as colon cancer or inflammatory disease, the fistula is fixed during the surgery to treat that disease.
After Treatment
The success of the surgery depends on the surgeon being able to remove the main disease. There also must be healthy tissue to close the fistula with. If there is cancer that can’t be removed or tissue that has poor blood flow due to radiation treatment, the results might not be as good. After surgery, you can expect to have a catheter in your bladder for a few weeks.