Botox (botulinum A toxin) is a preparation of drugs that momentarily paralyzes the muscles when it is locally introduced into the body. Botox is very frequently acknowledged for its use in cosmetics nonetheless it can essentially provide assistance with a variety of medical conditions.
It is a neurotoxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, that aid in relieving the muscle function. Botox should be injected in a very precise small volume into the humans, as it can prevent the flow of signals.
Botox precludes the discharge of acetylcholine, preventing the retrenchments of the muscle cells.
Botox injections can treat overactive bladder (OAB) or incontinence:
For males, an enlarged prostate might also cause difficulties in the bladder functioning, which Botox can help with. Botox works by comforting the nerves to help block the signals that activate the OAB or incontinence.
Botox Procedure:
Before the day of treatment, the patient will be given antibiotic to deduce the chances of infection specifically UTIs.
Before the treatment proceeds, the patient will be tested to conclude that the patient is not suffering from urinary infections, otherwise the treatment will be rescheduled.
Botox generally is administered under general anesthesia or in a condition called sedation in an ambulatory surgical centre. The care advisor accomplishes a cystoscopy by inserting a cystoscope via urethra. Botox is given through the cystoscope by a sequence of rapid injections into specific areas of the patient’s bladder muscle. It takes approximately 24-72 hours before the Botox results, but in rarest cases it might take longer.
Botox injections are generally well-accepted, however it may burn or sting or scorch the first few intervals a patient urinates. Patient may also experience blood in the urine right after treatment action. The most common side effect of using Botox is urinary infection specifically UTIs. Other side effects may consist of fatigue, painful or difficult urination, severe lethargy, and temporary incapability to void the bladder.